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Chiropractic Services

We are not in network with any insurance companies except Medicare.  We offer affordable payment options and additional discounts through ChiroHealthUSA membership (see below). Upon request we can give you a super bill that you can turn in to your insurance.  Oftentimes they will reimburse an out-of-network fee.


New Patient Chiropractic Appointment - $85.00

If you are new to our clinic or you have not been seen by us for 3 or more years, you are considered a new patient and you will receive a new patient exam at your first visit to determine if you can be accepted as a chiropractic patient.  This will take about 30 minutes. Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out our new patient paperwork or print it out below (Health History and Functional Rating Index) and bring it with you to your appointment.  If you are a Medicare patient, please bring your Medicare card, driver's license, and supplement insurance card (if you have one).






Chiropractic Report of Findings and Treatment - $65.00

On your second visit you will receive your report of findings from the previous exam and imaging (if ordered) and we will go over treatment options and costs.  If you accept the care plan recommended you will receive your first treatment.  This appointment will take about 30 minutes.


Chiropractic Re-exam - $35.00

At certain time intervals during your treatment plan we will perform re-exams to evaluate your progress.  

If your last visit at our clinic was more than 6 months ago (but less than 3 years), then we will perform a re-exam before your treatment.


Chiropractic Treatment - $65.00

Your treatment time is about 10 minutes.


ChiroHealthUSA Membership - $49.00/year per family

When you join ChiroHealthUSA it allows us to legally give additional discounts for our services as well as special kids rates (age 0-16years):

New Patient Chiropractic Kids (Age 0-16) - $60.00

Chiropractic Report of Findings and Treatment Kids - $45.00

Chiropractic Re-exam Kids - $30.00

Chiropractic Treatment Kids - $45.00). 

This membership covers you and your immediate family members for one year from the date of purchase with a 10% discount.  Please ask for the paperwork at the clinic.


Nutrition Services


Nutrition Report of Findings - $180.00

If you would like to schedule a nutrition report, please fill out the health history form along with the health assessment questionnaire.  You can print those out from the buttons below or pick up a copy at the clinic during our office hours.  If you have any recent blood work results (within the past year), please submit these along with your paperwork to or bring them by the office.  You can schedule your Nutrition Report of Findings about one week after we received your paperwork. We will go over our findings and recommendations at that appointment, which will take between 30-45 minutes.












Follow-up Nutrition Consultation - $65.00

This appointment will be 10 minutes.


Heart Rate Variability Test - $55.00


Nutrition Response Testing Consultation, Exam, and Report of Findings - $295.00 ($150 if referred by a current patient or for existing patients)



Please call the office to schedule an appointment and to receive paperwork for the consultation and exam to see if you are a nutrition response testing case.

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